Monday 27 April 2009Well, we arrived in Dublin to......... wait for this........... 5 degrees Celsius weather.
I put my jacket to use immediately.
The taxi set-up is really great - you simply queue and as taxis arrive, you jump in. Very organised and soooo not South African. I also loved the way the rates are plastered up everywhere so you know what you're in for before you even get into the taxi.
So we took the taxi to Chapelizod - 40 Euro. I hyperventilated just a little bit :)
After checking at the pharmacy and calling our friend, Craig, we eventually receives the keys from the guy at the Spar in an envelope marked with our names but also with the exact address of his place.
Again, a realisation that we're not in South Africa as the flat would have been burgled and stripped bare!
Hauled our luggage in and immediately went to sleep (Dion). I had to eat (remember, babies!) first so I quickly had some cereal and then went to sleep.
Around 11-ish, Craig phoned to say he'd bring us the car so we could get around.
Lovely thought but not happening as we were still recovering from the flight. The flight from Abu Dhabi to Dublin was quite terrible - naughty children, full plane, no stretching out, bad food, etc.
Craig eventually popped in around lunch time, we briefly caught up (Dion's still sleeping through all this commotion) and off he went back to work.
Jo then arrived at around 3pm so we finally met in person and got to catch up with some nice girl talk until Dion woke at about 4pm.
Craig arrived from work proper sometime later and off we went to the Spur (the Spur! in Dublin!) for a buy one, get one free chicken meal.
So ends day 1 and the slothfulness.